Go-to-Market Daily

Word of Mouth Inputs

Written by Mark Kilens | 1/13/25 10:18 PM

Word of mouth is arguably the best and most important channel for your business. 

The classic net promoter score survey is one way to measure how strong your word of mouth channel is performing. Along with self-reported attribution

Today's tip is about a simple thing you can do to make the channel more effective.

Think through and write down all of the possible inputs to a strong word of mouth channel. 

Here are some examples.

- Sales process experience

- Product reliability and quality 

- Onboarding experience

- Marketing content and messaging clarity 

-  Pricing in comparison to competitors and value creation

- Time to expected value

You get the drift. 

Think through each one and identify who's the owner of each at your business.

If there's isn't an owner, you might consider appointing one if you want to acquire and keep more customers for less dollars out of your pocket.