Uniting Your Go-to-Market Vectors

Here's my recipe to getting every team executing as one team.

Alignment is necessary, united is how you win together. 

Here's my recipe to getting every GTM team executing as one team. You need to get united behind the same:

1) Financial goals [resources]

2) KPIs and measurement [resource]

3) Definitions and operating procedures [resource]

4) ICP and segmentation [resource]

5) Growth strategies [resources]

6) Messaging and positioning [resources]

7) Offers and events [resources]

But how? I suggest you appoint a directly responsible individual (DRI) to each one. 

That person might not the ultimate decide for each but they are the one accountable to making sure the team's get united behind each. 

Turn this into a true strategic project. For teams to truly get united, it needs to be lead by the CEO. But if two or more executive come together and pull the CEO and other executive in the same direction, that can also work to bring the required change to how you plan and operate.  

So who should be the DRI of each? 

1) Finance

2) RevOps

3) RevOps

4) RevOps

5) Marketing

6) Marketing

7) Marketing

Creating one go-to-market plan is the nirvana of most B2B business. It takes hard work, willingness, and comprises. Definitely not easy, but if you get there, you'll feel a tailwind behind your work because everything becomes a bit easier. 

The biggest thing that must happen to make sure this works is....communication. 

Over communicate more than you think is necessary. Share the why, give context, and share wins and learnings across all the teams. ALL THE TIME.

But don't just take my word. We recently had Katie Foote on the GTM News Desk and she shared some great ideas on how to work better together as an executive team. I recommend listening to her episode along with the TACK Network exclusive content 

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