Go-to-Market Daily

The Walking Deck

Written by Mark Kilens | 12/27/24 3:15 PM

One of my favorite things to build. 

A walking deck can be many different things. It could be an elevator pitch, a proposal, a strategy.

I build one or two walking decks throughout the year, so that when the time comes for a board meeting or annual planning, I have a decent head start. 

And not only that, the people I need on my side, or the people I need to influence when the time comes, will have already seen and helped me craft the walking deck. 

For me, a walking deck is a great sales tool, a way to spread ideas, and a surefire way to get people involved in building something.

I strongly suggest building one for your personal and/or professional life. Nick and I have one for TACK, and we also have a public version of a People-first GTM walking deck.

Another example of a public version of a walking deck would be HubSpit's Culture Code deck