Go-to-Market Daily

Now, Soon, Later.

Written by Mark Kilens | 10/29/24 8:39 PM

Today's post is a simple framework that you can use for anything. Doesn't matter if you're in sales, marketing or some other team. This applies. 

Take a look at all of your to dos. Now label them using the following framework. 

Now: within the next week

Soon: within the next month 

Later: beyond one month 

You can of course change the definition of each. The important thing is to stick with the definitions and look at all of your work, ideas, asks, etc. with the same lens. 

Combine this frame with with the expected impact of each action, and you're cooking with fire. 

Impact could be a scale of 1-5 (low to high). Or low, moderate, or high. 

Doesn't matter, but this simple addition and thought exercise can do wonders for your productivity and help you focus on what matters the most long-term. People! Your customers or team.