Influencer Marketing: One Size Does Not Fit All

Influencer marketing needs to enter its next phase and that phase is about specificity and to resonate more with the right people.

Influencer marketing is all the rage. B2C pioneered it and now B2B is finally catching up.

My co-founder, Nick, is a huge advocate for it. In fact, he wrote a book about. And has created a short course about it.  

There's one thing that most overlook and get wrong about how to do influencer marketing well. 

That is mapping influencers to the people in the the buying committee. 

According to Gartner, there are at least five people in most B2B buying committees. 

What a great influencer program does is map different influencers to the different stakeholders in the buying group. 

You need someone to speak to the economic buyer, the champion and end user. Most of the time those are not the same person. 

Build unique programs to each type of buyer, their pain, the things they care about, and the words that resonate with them. 

Influencer marketing needs to enter its next phase and that phase is about specificity and to resonate more with the right people.   

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