Content-led Growth Partner Play

Here's a straightforward way to grow using a Content-led and Partner-led Growth strategy.

Here's a straightforward way to grow using a Content-led and Partner-led Growth strategy.

Step one. Define an audience segment and pick a topic about a problem that the audience is facing. 

Step two. Create a webinar abstract around the topic. 

Step three. Find one or two people at companies with a complimentary, non-competitive solution and ICP to be experts on the webinar and partner with you on distribution. 

Step four. Work with them to outline the key talking points for the webinar. Focus on five to seven short segments that are clearly defined. 

Step five. Create a promotion plan with each partner. Each partner agrees to a drive towards a specific registration number and lead share model.

Step six. Create commercials for the webinar with each expert to use as part of the promotion plan. Mostly used on social networks and in private communities. 

Step seven. Practice at least once with the experts pre-webinar. Could be a great time to create other promotional content. 

Step eight.  Host the webinar. Have fun, make it dynamic, and do a least one thing that surprises your audience. Could be a resource they didn't expect or a special guest. 

Step nine. Clip the webinar up following the outline so you get 7 to 14 clips from the webinar. 

Step 10. Post those clips on YouTube, social networks, and on your website where the recording is hosted.

Step 11. Coordinate a two-part lead follow-up email sequence including the partners to all people who signed up. This prevents email overload. 

Step 12. Rinse and repeat. 

And here's a webinar about content-led growth. Meta, I know. 🙂

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